
Welcome to the ToolHive blog where we talk about anything we want. Here you will find posts related to ToolHive, GDPR, tools and more.

Captain steering a ship and crew members working

What are data controllers and processors?

Let's talk about what Data Controller and Processor in GDPR are

Woman reading the privacy policy

What is important for a Privacy Policy

Privacy policies can be difficult to understand, read and make. But with some easy steps you can improve your privacy policy for your users.

A picture of a person explaining a book

What is GDPR? Part 4 - Right to restrict processing

We are diving deeper into GDPR. This time we will talk about the right to restrict processing.

A picture of a person explaining a book

What is GDPR? Part 3 - Right to be informed

We are diving deeper into GDPR. This time we will talk about the right to be informed.

A lady holding a clipboard with GDPR saying and a checklist

Why GDPR is so important?

Let's talk about how ToolHive can help your company with GDPR compliance

Team working together around a table

Help your new people onboarding faster with tool discoverbility

Help your new employees discover everything your companies uses, improving their onboarding and help they understand what tools do

A wall full of papers

Tool Highlight: Notion

Every so often we select a tool that we think you should use to make your life easier. This time we chose the note taken app Notion. Let me tell you why.

Tool Highlight2/26/2024
A picture of a moving truck full of furniture

What is GDPR? Part 2 - Right to data portability

We are diving deeper into GDPR. This time we will talk about the right to data portability.

An open book laying on a table

What is GDPR? Part 1 - Right to access

Let's talk about what GDPR is and why it is important for your business. In this multipart series we will talk about the different rights that GDPR gives your customers. This time we will talk about the right to access.

Person paying with a card at the register

Tool Highlight: Tap To Pay

In the Tool Highlight we talk about receiving money from your customers with tap to pay.

Tool Highlight12/22/2023
Picture of people around a table working

What are Data Processes?

Let's talk about what Data Processes are and why they are important.

Picture of a business presentation with a single presentator and other people sitting around a table

Why did we create ToolHive

A deepdive into why we created ToolHive

Picture of people around a table working

HowTo: Tool approval

With ToolHive, you can streamline how your colleagues start using new tools by setting up a tool approval process.

Picture showing a long road

ToolHive Roadmap

Let's talk about what is next for ToolHive.

Picture of bee entering a beehive

Why do I need ToolHive?

ToolHive is a Tool Management Tool. So why do I need that?

Picture of people around a table working

HowTo: Access management

In this HowTo we will looking into requesting access to a Tool in ToolHive. So you don't have to find out who owns the tool and email them.

Picture of computer screen with login form

Tool Highlight: Password managers

Every so often we select a tool that we think you should use to make your life easier. This time we chose Password Managers. Let me tell you why.

Tool Highlight9/19/2023