Picture of people around a table working

What are Data Processes?


In ToolHive when we talk about where do you use a tool, we don't mean the physical location of the tool, but rather refer to something called a data process. In this article we will explain what a data process is and how to use it.

What is a process?

A process is a set of steps that you need to take to complete a task. For example, if you want to make a cup of tea, you need to boil water, put a tea bag in a cup, pour the water in the cup, and add sugar and milk. These are the steps you need to take to make a cup of tea. This is a process.

It has a clear start and end point, and it has a set of steps that you need to take to complete it.

Your business is made up of many processes. For example, you have a process for making a sale, a process for hiring a new employee, a process for paying your employees, and so on.

It is up to you to decide on how big you want your processes to be. If you sell cars, you might have a process for selling a car, and a process for buying a car from a customer. But these processes could also be just 1 big process.

What is a data process?

A data process is not that different from a process. It is a set of steps that you need to take to complete a task. The difference is that a data process is a process that involves some type of data.

To make things complicated you can make these data processes as big or as small as you want. For example, you can have a data process for making a sale, or you can have a data process for just adding a new customer to your database.

If you are just starting out with processes, you might want to start with big processes. You can always split them off later.

Why do I need to know this?

Let's be honest, 70% of this is just because GDPR requires you to.

But there is another reasons why you might want to know is, it will help you business. In this new age data is money. The more data you have the more insights you have into your company.

There are many tool outthere to help you with this, but they all require you to know what data you have and where it is stored. By knowing where it is you have more control.

Another reason is that it will help you be more secure. If you know where your data is, you may also know who has access to it. This way can you avoid data breaches. Most data breaches are because companies don't have insights into their data.

How does this work to ToolHive?

Because these process can be hard to figure out, we have made a list of the most common processes that you can use in ToolHive. During the setup of your organisation we asked you some question to help you get started.

You can always change these processes later, but this way you don't have to start from scratch.

What's next?

Now that you know what a data process is, you can start adding your own processes to ToolHive. You can do this by going to the Organisation setting's page.