Person paying with a card at the register

Tool Highlight: Tap To Pay

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Every once in a while we talk about a tool you should know. These are tools that we use most often or that we think are exceptional in some way and want to share. This time we will be talking about Tap To Pay.

Getting paid

Getting paid is one of the most important things a business can do. If you don't get paid, you can't pay your employees, you can't pay your bills, and you can't buy new tools. So it is important to make it as easy as possible for your customers to pay you.

Making things easy for your customers is not only important for them, it is important for you. You do not want to have to walk around a large card reader or a large cash register. But you want to be able to accept payments everywhere.

Different ways to pay

There are many different ways to get paid. Each country has its own way of doing things. Some countries still prefer cash. It is easy, but it is also a hassle for your taxes. Paying by card can make it easier for your taxes, but also means you don't have to bring your wallet.

There are several ways to receive digital payments:

  1. Card terminal: A machine you can insert your card into, with a physical keyboard to enter your PIN.
  2. Contactless payment terminal: A machine that allows customers to tap their card to pay.
  3. QR Code: A code that a customer can scan with their phone to pay.
  4. Bank Transfer: The customer can transfer the money to your bank account.
  5. Payment apps: Such as Tikkie, Venmo, MB Way, or PayPal.

Tap To Pay

With an update to iOS, there is a new way to get paid with just your iPhone. Tap To Pay means you don't need a card terminal or contactless payment terminal. You can just use your iPhone. All you need to do is download an app and your customer can pay with any contactless payment method, including their card, phone or other device.

There are a few apps that support Tap To Pay, such as SumUp. In most cases, you do not have to pay a monthly fee, but you do pay a small fee per transaction. This is a great way to get paid without having to carry around a big card terminal. It is a great way to start your business or even get started accepting card payments in an easy way.

What about data?

Every tool you use has some sort of data, and while you probably don't need to enter your customer's address into the payment application. You still have some information about them, like their banking information. It is important that you know what data is in which tools. You may even need to mention it in your privacy policy and GDPR registry. You can use ToolHive to keep track of all your tools and the data they hold, and generate any reports you need. Try ToolHive for free.