Features for Security

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ToolHive helps you keep track of your data. Knowing where you data is, what type of data a tool has and how a tool connects in your organisation will help you understand how things might impact eachother.

Know who has access to your tools

Track who has access to your tools with tool access request. Track access not only to your team, but also to external parties.


Connect your tools together to get insights into where you data is going, and where it's coming from.

Reports for compliance

Generate reports based on tool information already in the system. Keep your organization compliant with the GDPR.

Tool approvals

Track tool approvals, and make it easy for your finance, security and legal departments to track and approve tool purchases.

Categorization of data in tools

Specify which data categories are stored in each tool in ToolHive. To help you keep track of what data is stored where.

Security focus

Ensure that your tools and data are secure. Make sure that you have all the necessary security measures in place by knowing where you can improve.

Meta data

ToolHive doesn't connect to your tools or your data. Instead we ask questions about your tools, about the data. We focus on questions like: how do you access it, what types of data does it have, and who owns it? We only store meta data, not your data.


Keep track of all the certificates your tools, vendors or suppliers may have. Keep updated when certificates expire to make sure you keep your users and organisation safe.