Features for Organisations

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ToolHive can help your company with a wide range of features to help you ditch those spreadsheets. ToolHive is a central point where your users, finance, legal and security teams can work together and get insights into tools and data.

Tool requests

Developers use a lot of tools, and everyday new ones are added. Make it easy for your developers to request new tools by using our tool requests system.

Tool owner

Tool owners make it easy for you to keep track of who owns your tools. Help users, finance, security and legal departments get in touch with tool owners and get a single point of contact.

Reports for compliance

Generate reports based on tool information already in the system. Keep your organization compliant with the GDPR.

Cost management

Keep track of the tools you pay for, and how. Make it easy for your finance department to track costs and invoices. And let them know when tools are no longer in use.

Tool discovery

Help your teams discover all the tools and resources in one place. Help onboarding new team members and fostering a culture of collaboration by using the same tools.

Legal documents

Keep track of legal documents, such as contracts, terms of services and privacy policies for each tools and vendor. Even with approvals and versions.

Meta data

ToolHive doesn't connect to your tools or your data. Instead we ask questions about your tools, about the data. We focus on questions like: how do you access it, what types of data does it have, and who owns it? We only store meta data, not your data.


Keep track of all the certificates your tools, vendors or suppliers may have. Keep updated when certificates expire to make sure you keep your users and organisation safe.